Nature Works is a leader in all-Organic Lawn Care. We are proud to offer a safe and effective alternative to conventional, chemically-based lawn care programs.
Our Organic Lawn Care Program provides complete care for your turf throughout the growing season. Utilizing our Eco-Compost and a full line of liquid fertilizers, we care for your lawn from the roots up.
From aeration to over-seeding to organic weed control, Nature Works will customize your Organic Lawn Care Package to restore and improve your soils for high-performing, natural lawns. We continue to assess your lawn throughout the season, and respond to your unique site conditions to create the healthiest, all-organic lawn for your home.
A complete list of Additional Services can be found here.
All Lawn Programs receive our custom blend of organic lawn fertilizer four times a year, tuned to the season and plant nutrition needs.
At every visit, our Organic Land Care Specialists will assess the health and of your Lawn & Landscape, report progress, and make recommendations.
Oxygenating the root zone of your turf is key to vigor ous growth and rebound after compaction.
Compost builds soil structure and feeds the soil biome, helping to retain water and feed your turf.
We tailor our seed blends to produce dense, resilient grass communities that withstand stress.
We test soil pH at every visit, and adjust with natural mineral blends for optimal growth conditions.
We offer a variety of weed management options, from manual removal to selective organic products.
Annually removing dead grass (thatch) and repairing winter damage keeps your lawn looking fresh.
Lush, healthy grass needs ideal growing conditions. Unfortunately, most lawns are mown far too short, too frequently, and during times of stress. We will work with you or your lawn mowing company to ensure the best organic practices are followed to produce the best possible lawn. You can see our complete guide to Lawn Maintenance that supports Organic Management here.
The single biggest factor affecting your lawn’s health and appearence is management practices. Follow these simple guidelines for the best results.
Never cut your lawn shorter than 3″.
A 4″-6″ mow height is ideal, allowing the proper ratio of roots to leaves for a healthy stand of lush lawn. Mowing too short is damaging your grass and reducing its ability to withstand adverse weather and traffic conditions.
Mowing every week, regardless of heat, rain, or time of season, can severely stunt the growth of your turf. Under-performing lawns are often over-mown. Skipping up to 4 weeks between mows during the heat of the summer can be the difference between a green lawn and a brown desert!
Heavy commercial mowers and careless weeding-whackign can be a lawn’s worst enemy, causing soil compaction, scalping, and tire marks Use the right tool for the right job–in tight areas, a push mower gives the best cut and saves your turf from damage.
Consider which areas of lawn you use most often and view most closely, and focus management efforts there. Consider reducing total area of input to maximize impact and budget. Also consider reducing and replacing non-essential lawn areas with low-maintenance ground covers or meadows.
All plants, especially dense monocultures like turf grass, need special attention at different times of year to look and grow their best. You can learn more about Organic Lawn Care through the seasons of the year here.
Lawn needs love after a long winter.
Cleaning up debris, feeding, dethatching, and repairing damage from last season’s use are the top priority when spring arrives. Core aeration can bring oxygen and food to the root zone of your turf, jump starting the season of growth.
Lush turf needs healthy soils.
Adjusting the pH and trace minerals available in your soil, and feeding the complex web of life that supports healthy plant roots is important for vigorous growth. Appropriate care early in the season will ensure healthy, green turf later on.
Resilient lawns can beat the heat.
Adjusting cultural practices–how often you mow and how high you are cutting–allows your turf to remain green and resilient through the summer heat. Liquid organic fertilizing and probiotics can help you keep your lawn green through the hot summer.
Deep care to prepare for next season.
Fall is the best time for slicing and over-seeding with our Eco Blend Grass seed, establishing diverse grass communities that are suited for your site. Compost top-dressing can help your turf recover from summer heat and prepare for winter.